This is the third year that I visit my former high school to give a talk about my experience so far in engineering and academic research. The school invites former students every year to give such talks, since this can help the pupils to decide what to do once they finish. In this talk I focus on the contents of an engineering degree, but also on why it is difficult to find a position as an actual engineer. However, I also spend a significant amount of the talk speaking about happiness. We are taught that happiness is having a successful career in a well seen profession, earning a high salary, and never accepting that we may have made a wrong choice.
Need happiness? Just go to this Happiness Superstore in the old town of Dubai!
One of the insights that I try to convey during such talks is that the above formula is exactly the way to unhappiness. Thus, this year I decided to begin the talk with the below video by Steve Cutts, which I believe is a brilliant depiction of this idea.
Browsing Steve Cutts' account on Vimeo, I found two other masterpieces: