
She is unstoppable. Nothing can get in her way. She gets hit, she stumbles, she falls. But she rises, again and again. She fights back, she continues, she never gives up. She does the right thing, even if it takes her last breath. In the latest trilogy, Lara (Croft) is better than ever. While earlier games portrayed her as a flawless but also somewhat distant super adventurer, Lara becomes a fighter and survivor in this origin trilogy, making her much more relatable in every sense. One truly feels the defeats and victories as her adventures unfold and, rather than just a character to be admired, her fearless and relentless spirit become a true motivation. When I "grow up", I want to have that spirit!

Lara has substituted her dual pistols by really cool bows and arrows

Different from earlier games, Lara now actually uses climbing gear

Mud, sweat, blood. It all does not stop her.

While bruteforce action works with enemies, strategy typically works better

One thing stays the same: she explores lots of impressive tombs

And those tombs are typically full of deadly traps

While earlier games were rather cold, emotions now play a big role

Along with tombs, artifacts are a must as well

Don't mess with her. Really, don't :-)